September 2013

“When faced with the person who you think you are interested in, fucking look at him/her in the eyes and quit being a scarebaby.”

– 26th Sept 2013


“In the face of adversity, you have two options.

  1. Screw yourself and start feeling lousy.

  2. Screw adversity and challenge it because you are capable of handling worse scenarios. “

– 24th Sept 2013

“People with the right sense and responsibility towards their duty, and fulfilled them to the best of their ability—deserves the utmost respect. Wimps who do not understand the purpose of the call, and opted to ignore in order to pursue comfort over integrity—ought to be fuck in their asses.”

– 23rd Sept 2013


“Having fries without salt is like swimming with your clothes on. It’s the same, but just so wrong.”

– 23rd Sept 2013